Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

The holidays have come and gone and a new year has already begun. 2013 was the most challenging of my life, but I grew so much during that year as well. I learned new things about myself, I grew closer in my relationship with my husband, with friends and with God.
I look forward to this new year, not really knowing all it will hold for me, but with hope and anticipation. This new year is already filling up and the count down has started.

The Rock & Bowl fundraiser hosted by Area 3 Foundation is only eight days away. We leave for the Cleveland Clinic (and hopefully new answers and a plan for Scott's health) in just forteen days! My special birthday (I will be turning 30 on the 30th!) is only twenty-eight days from now. Valentine's Day is forty-three days away, our five year anniversary is fifty days away and of course the long awaited arrival of our first born child, Alana Faye, is an estimated ninty-six days from now! Somewhere in all that we still need to registery for baby stuff, have a baby shower, hopefully move into a new place, and get everything set up and ready to bring Alana home! There are a few hundred little things that also need to be done as well, but one thing I plan to do this new year is take one day at a time, one task at a time, and one adventure at a time.

It can be so easy to get caught up in the business of things, the hectic schedule of life, but I want to purposefully remember to slow down. To capture every moment, to give thanks for all the blessings, all the graces new every day in my life and to remember: remember that God walked with me through a tough year and He was faithful, to remmeber that He is trust worthy, that He is endless and that He is able!

Happy New Year All!

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