Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A New Way To Do the 'Do

I have been growing my bangs out since last Fall. I figured after Alana is born I don't want to have to style them every day, nor do I want them hanging down in my face, as I plan to be looking down at her a LOT! My bangs have reached that middle ground...they are just barely able to tuck behind my ear but not enough to stay there yet. I've started playing with different ways to style them: up-forward-and-to-the-side, up-back-and-to-the-side, twisted back, la pouf, braided back...whatever I can think of to get them out of my way. I think I found a happy place with my bangs this week. I plan to style them this way for a few more days to see if I really like it, but so far I like to way it looks. What do you think? 

{A Bit Farrah Fawcett Maybe}

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