Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's A...

It's a girl! I have been so excited to share this news ever since we found out! I've wanted to blurt it out to every person I pass by! I am thrilled to be having a little dress her up and do her hair. To share in tea parties together, to play dolls and dress up. I can hardly wait for all the wonderful adventures to begin! 

Almost as much as announcing that we are having a girl, have I wanted to announce her name. Alana Faye. It really is true, you shouldn't name a thing you don't plan to be attached to (it's why in every animal movie in which the pet is rescued off the streets the parents beg the child not to name it, because once you do, it becomes infinitely more dear and impossible to then be separated). Almost the instant we knew it was a girl, and knew what her name was to be, my heart swelled with so much love for this little one, it spilled out in joy and excitement. 
Hers was a name we picked out when we first got married, almost five years before. Alana means "little seed" or "little rock". Faye means "faith". She is a little seed of faith. Her name fits so well into our story, I was amazed and awed at God's timing and plan behind something seemingly so simple as a name. 
After all we have walked through; after every trial, every pain and hardship, she has come into our lives at such a time as this. She is a reminder, a call to trust. This past year has been the hardest of my life. My faith was tested and pulled; it was stretched to limits I hadn't known before. It was challenged not by people, not by the unbeliever trying to disprove my faith, but by life's circumstances. Every time I faced another unanswered prayer {was God still God}. Every time we encountered another health issue yet unresolved {Did God really have the power to heal}. When loss came into our lives and then came again {was God still good}. As one unknown built upon another, until the future became a thick fog {was God truly Sovereign over all}. As I still walk this path, I can say yes...God is faithful and yes, God is good. Just as a gardener plants a seed into the ground knowing the outcome and the beauty it will produce, though the seed does not understand why it has been thrust into the cold dark earth, nor why it must be broken open for life to spring forth, the Gardener knows. 
And so with ever little "butterfly" motion I feel, with every excited thought of who this little Alana Faye will grow up to be, I am always reminded of her name, it's meaning and the timing in which she has come to us. I cannot wait to hold her and to share this story with her one day. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Outfit of the Day: Navy and Purple

I think I will wear this sheer-flowy top trend out until either the weather turns too cold (which in the Sunshine state likely won't be for a while yet), or my baby belly grows too big to rock the look. I particularly love this navy and purple top. For one thing it had my favorite color in it (purple), for another it is so darn soft (I just adore soft things). 

I like how this print givse almost a vintage look without appearing too dated. I paired it with my skinny jeans and a layered purple pearl necklace with coordinating earrings and white floral ballet flats. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Outfit of the Day: Navy and Pink

As this pregnancy progresses, I have been very grateful for the sheer, flowy tops as they allow me to still wear something comfortable and stylish, and I so far I have not yet had to buy any maternity tops. This navy and pink floral top is one I like for that very reason. 

I like the ruffle detail down the collar line, it adds a touch of feminine appeal. I choose a pair of pale pink pearls and matching earring to complete this look. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Outfit of the Day: Peter Pan in Pink

Being pregnant has been a wonderful and weird experience for me. I love the fact that there is a baby inside, growing big and strong. However the things pregnancy is doing to my body has been weird. I told my husband it is almost like being a teenager again; trying to figure out what's going on with all these changes in my body, along with what fits and looks right on me compared to what just doesn't work anymore. I have been reluctant to wear more "fitted" tops because it obviously shows more of the belly...and yes there is a baby in there, however it still takes some getting used to the fact that my stomach now sticks out farther than my boobs. I did like this pink top with the sheer peter pan collar and sheer sleeve top. 

I paired this top with my new maternity skinny jeans (can I just say how amazing maternity pants are? It's like wearing yoga pants with style!) and this beaded white stone necklace with gold earrings and white floral ballet flats. Here is a close up of that sheer collar.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Outfit of the Day: Cobalt Blue and Leather

I have a confession to make. I love leather pants. I didn't think I would. When I think of leather, generally a biker or someone on the rougher side comes to mind. However after borrowing a pair of leather pants and trying them out for myself I think they are one of my favorite things to wear (next to my skinny jeans). 

I paired it with this cobalt blue tank that has a leather trim detail and a 'peek-a-boo' hole. Wearing this outfit with flats makes it great for a work day or hanging out with friends.
Or slip on some heels and a blazer for a more dressed up look, perfect for a date night. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Inspiration to Recreation: Twisted Side Braid

I love easy on-the-go hairstyles. I especially like the ones that seem a little bit different, or slightly more complicated than they really are! I learned how to do this twisted side braid from LuxyHair (side note, there is no real braiding involved in this hairstyle). 

I added a little teasing at the roots to give my hair some volume around the crown. I hope you enjoy recreating this hairstyle as much as I do!